Since creating Earthbound Studios in the late 90's, our work includes numerous projects across all different types of production, including the documentary series "Mosaics" with KCET/Palomar Pictures, working with "The Doors" on their Greatest Hits documentary, Media Producer for the Wildlife Waystation, numerous independent short and feature films, commercials and music videos. Dir. Franklin Tulloch worked alongside Roy E. Disney/CSTV covering his sailing adventures as a cameraman and editor, along with sailing programs for ESPN/Gary Jobson. We have a number of fantastic projects in Preproduction coming up over the next few years.
SKIFF 18: The future of Sailing is Extreme
A 5 year journey across the earth to cover one of the oldest and most exciting classes of Sailboats in the World. A true "from the sailors point of view" film.
Premiered @ the San Francisco Ocean film Festival, Night of Sailing Films 2012.
Directed by Franklin Tulloch LA/SF/STJ/OZ
How do you encapsulate 20 plus years on one of smallest and most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. A real look at the community, culture and above and underwater world of the place many call paradise, Love City, St John, VI
We just call it home.
CRENGLE: The ART of LIGHT Pre Production
When your canvas covers an area of 1.5 million square feet, what in the world could you imagine filling that much space with....there is only one answer......LIGHT.
The most iconic architectural designs in the world are exactly this for one of the most well known lighting designers in the world. His creations with light turning at times, boring to the eye creations into architectural landscape masterpieces. Millions of people a day see his ART completely unaware of the artist, and his ability to shape the world around us, and many times our own emotions, with a blanket of light. WGA REG #2165839